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Duel Stories

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Duel Stories Empty Duel Stories

Post by DownloadSomeRam Sat Oct 10, 2015 12:01 am

Post your stories of duels here! I probably have way too much time on my hands to do something like this, but yeah. I'm not very good at telling stories, but i'll probably make one based off of the "shadow riders" in GX season 1, but with RRA. Since there are enough tested players in RRA, i'll make one as soon as I have free time... which is probably contradicting the previous statement about the amount of time on my hands. Crap. So... i guess here's my first.

One day, a guy named DownloadSomeRam was just walking around and suddenly there was a thick fog. Another guy came out of the shadows, and said that his name was BILL. The most terrifying of names. He challenged DownloadSomeRam to a duel, and if he won, he would get his soul, and his Ancient Key to the Chamber Of the Wicked Cards. DownloadSomeRam accepted.

DUEL! Turn 1: Bill: 4000 LP DownloadSomeRam: 4000 LP

"I'll go first. I draw!" yelled DownloadSomeRam.
"I activate the spell card, charge of the light brigade! i send the top 3 cards of my deck to the graveyard, and then add 1 "Lightsworn" monster to my hand!" said DownloadSomeRam. "I add "Raiden, hand of the lightsworn," and i summon him out to the field!" The muscled man appeared on his field. "I activate his effect!" yelled DownloadSomeRam. "I discard effect veiler to negate your monster's effects until the end phase." said Bill. "I play 3 cards face-down, and end my turn, so Raiden's effect activates! i send the top 2 cards from my deck to the graveyard."

Turn 2: Bill: 4000 LP DownloadSomeRam: 4000 LP

"I draw! and i'll activate the spell card pot of greed!" yelled Bill. "This lets me draw 2 cards. I set 1 card, And now i'll activate the spell card, upstart goblin! I draw 1 card, and you gain 1000 LP!" DownloadSomeRam was surprised. why would he do that? "NOW, I SUMMON GALE DOGRA! I CAN PAY 3000 LIFE POINTS TO SEND 1 MONSTER FROM MY EXTRA DECK TO THE GRAVEYARD, AND NOW I'LL ACTIVATE THE SPELL CARD, "Reversal!" I hadn't seen the card before. A special one shadow riders have, perhaps? "I activate this card by discarding all cards in my hand, and calling out a card type. If that type is the card on the top of my deck, our life points are switched! I call spell." He turned over the top card of his deck, and sure enough, the card that was there was monster reborn! Their life points switched. I end my turn!"

Turn 3: Bill: 5000 LP DownloadSomeRam: 1000

"I draw!" I can't believe it, thought DownloadSomeRam, without turning over his drawn card. He got me down to 1000 LP in a single turn! I gotta end this quick. "I activate the effect of Raiden! I send the top 2 cards from my deck to the graveyard, and if any are "Lightsworn" monsters, my man gains 200 ATK!" The cards sent were Void Seer and Ryko, hunter of the lightsworn. A lightsworn monster! so he gained 200 ATK! "I summon from my hand, Card trooper!" A small blue and red machine appeared on the field. "I activate its ability! I send 1 to 3 cards off the top of my deck, and my monster gains ATK equal to the number of cards send times 500! I send 3 cards." The machine grew in size ten-fold! "I banish 1 Infernoid monster from my graveyard to summon infernoid patrulea! And I activate his effect! I destroy 1 face-down you control, and he cannot attack this turn!" The face-down was destroyed. it was revealed that it was magic cylinder! "I attack! go, Card Trooper and Raiden!" A sword slash and a gunfire later, the battle phase ended. "Gah..." sighed Bill. "I didn't expect you to be this good..." He spat out some blood. "Now i synchro summon Dark Strike Fighter, using card trooper and raiden! I use his effect! i tribute patrulea to inflict 800 points of damage." Bill flinched. "GAHHHH!!!!" he screamed. A dark aura grew off of him. "I end my turn..."

Turn 4: Bill: 1050 LP DownloadSomeRam: 1000 LP

"I DRAW!!!!" Bill seemed to be in great pain. "I ACTIVATE THE SPELL CARD MONSTER REBORN! I SPECIAL SUMMON FROM MY GRAVEYARD RED NOVA DRAGON!!!!!" A fiery aura appeared on the field! An enormous dragon came out of the flame. "I WILL CONSUME YOU IN FLAMES!!! DIE!!!! ATTACK, RED NOVA DRAGON! DESTROY HIS PUNY DARK STRIKE FIGHTER!!!!" In a burst of flame, his dark strike fighter was no more. "I END MY TURN! ENJOY THE LAST SECONDS OF YOUR LIFE!!!"

Turn 5: Bill: 1050 LP DownloadSomeRam: 100 LP

"I... Draw...." Ouch... that's a big dragon... Thought DownloadSomeRam. I don't know if there's anything i can do... maybe my face-downs can help... "I activate my face-down, Jar of greed! This lets me draw 1 more card..." DownloadSomeRam cringed. "HAHAHAH! WHAT CAN YOU GET FROM A SINGLE DRAW???" DownloadSomeRam drew. He just stood there for a minute. Then he started laughing. "WHAT'S THIS ABOUT???" He laughed harder. "I summon Infernoid Harmadik, by banishing Patrulea in my graveyard." Bill laughed. "WHAT WILL THAT GET YOU? YOU CAN'T DESTROY RED NOVA BY HIS EFFECT! YOU'RE DONE FOR! HUH?" DownloadSomeRam was laughing, harder than before. "I attack Red Nova Dragon! And I'll activate the quick play spell card, ego boost, from my hand! This increases his ATK by 1000 points!" Bill scoffed. "YOU CANNOT BEAT ME WITH A SINGLE EGO BOOST!" DownloadSomeRam stopped laughing. "I knew that. Also, you can't beat me. You can't beat me by using alternate summoning conditions. If you synchro summoned Red Nova, He would have 5000 attack. I wouldn't be able to beat that in this situation. But here... Piece of cake. I activate my face-downs! TWO MORE EGO BOOSTS! This boosts Harmadik's ATK to 4600!" Bill stumbled backwards. "IMPOSSIBLE! NOTHING CAN BEAT A GOD! NOTHING!!!! GAHHHHHHH!"

Duel End. Bill: 0 LP DownloadSomeRam: 100 LP

The fog disappeared; Bill was nowhere to be seen. There was just a card on the ground: Red Nova Dragon. "Huh... Why he didn't use his effect i'll never know. He didn't Negate my attack!He could have won... Must have been blinded by pain." Suddenly, Fog appeared over the Green Dorm! The same fog as before! "Oh, No! Altwing543 is in danger! I'll have to go help!"

INTERMISSION! I'll post 1 per day or two.

Last edited by DownloadSomeRam on Sat Oct 10, 2015 12:24 am; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : Revision)

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Duel Stories Empty Re: Duel Stories

Post by DownloadSomeRam Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:31 am

Minutes after DownloadSomeRam had beaten Bill, he reached the green dorm. The duel had been going on for a lot of turns, as he could see.

Turn 12: Ivan: 3900 LP Altwing543: 500 LP

The shadow rider had all 5 mega monarchs on the field, but hadn't attacked the whole time for some reason.
"HAHAHA! YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME! NEXT END PHASE, YOU'LL LOSE ALL YOUR LIFE!" shouted the shadow rider. "THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN BEAT MY COMBO!!! NOTHING CAN BEAT IVAN THE MONARCH!!!" Altwing was thinking. If I use my MST to destroy his field spell... all of his monsters can attack... "I draw! And first i'll activate pot of greed! This lets me draw 2 cards!" The cards drawn were MST and lucky iron axe!
"I activate Mystical Space Typhoon! I destroy your field spell! And now i'll use another to destroy your march of the monarchs!" Ivan sighed. "YOU REALLY ARE AN IDIOT, AREN'T YOU? YOU CAN'T EVEN FIGURE..." Altwing scoffed. "I end my turn."

Turn 13: Ivan: 3900 LP Altwing543: 500 LP

"I DRAW! AND I'LL HAVE ALL OF MY MONARCHS ATTACK!" Altwing was not afraid. "I activate mirror force! I destroy all of your monarchs!" Ivan's eyes widened. "NO... NO!!!"

Turn 14: Ivan 3900 LP Altwing543: 500 LP

"I draw!" The card drawn was axe of despair. "I summon blackwing - shura the blue flame! and by using its effect, i can special summon blackwing - gale the whirlwind! I synchro summon... Blackwing Armor Master! I equip lucky iron axe and axe of despair! My Armor Master's ATK has now risen to 4000! ATTACK! ARMOR PIERCE!" Ivan flew backwards and hit a tree. "YOU... CANNOT... DEFEAT... THE SHADOW RIDERS! THEY WILL BE VICTORIOUS IN THE END! HAHAHAHHA!!!"

Duel End. Ivan 0 LP Altwing543: 500 LP

The fog disappeared, and Ivan was nowhere to be found, except for 1 card: Caius the darkness monarch. It seemed to have been controlling him. SUDDENLY, the same fog appeared above the school! it was too far to run, so they decided to go back to their dorms. Meanwhile/Next time....

Turn 2: Cedric: 2000 LP Drace: 4000 LP

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Duel Stories Empty Re: Duel Stories

Post by DownloadSomeRam Sat Oct 10, 2015 7:29 pm

"Who are you?" asked Drace. "Why are you in the academy building?" The shadow rider laughed. "hahaha... you are such a funny man. My name is Cedric, and I will have fun dueling you. If i win, I get your soul, and your ancient key." Drace accepted, on the terms that he would leave. "oh... we're going through much more than that. hahaha."

DUEL START! Cedric: 4000 LP Drace: 4000 LP

"I'll go first! I draw!" said cedric. "I set 4 cards. I summon alexandrite dragon! I end my turn!"

Turn 2: Cedric: 4000 LP Drace: 4000 LP

"I draw." cedric was very happy about what he had done... I'll have to get rid of those, he thought. "I summon RR-Vanishing Lanius! Using its effect-"Cedric had activated a trap: skill drain!"At the cost of 1000 of my life points, monster effects on the field are useless!" Drace still knew he had to press on. "I activate the effect of RR-Fuzzy Lanius in my hand-" Cedric had activated another trap:Mind Drain!"At the cost of 1000 life points, all effects in the hand are negated!" Drace was starting to falter. "I... play 1 card face down. And i'll activate mystical space typhoon! I destroy mind drain!" A whirlwind appeared from the card, and destroyed the card. "Now i'll activate the effect of my fuzzy lanius! I special summon it! and i'll activate the spell card, swallow's nest! I destroy Fuzzy lanius, and summon RR-Tribute Lanius from my deck! I activate the effect of fuzzy lanius in the grave-"Cedric had played another card. Soul drain! "by paying 1000 life points, i can negate the effects that activate in the graveyard!" Drace wasn't done. "I xyz summon force strix! and i'll-" "I activate torrential tribute! when a monster is summoned, i destroy all monsters on the field!" Alexandrite dragon and force strix disappeared into dust. "I end my turn." I hadn't accomplished anything, he thought.

Turn 3: Cedric: 1000 LP Drace: 4000 LP


Turn 4: Cedric 1000 LP Drace: 850 LP

"I draw... I activate monster reborn! I summon Force strix from my graveyard! I activate the quick play spell card Rank-up Magic Raptor's force! I overlay a rank 5 RR monster over my force strix! I summon RR-BLAZE FENIX!" A gigantic red bird came out of nowhere. "Blaze Fenix can attack directly! GO! BLAZE WING!!!" Cedric grinned. "FOOL! I ACTIVATE THE TRAP CARD, MAGIC CYLINDER! I NEGATE YOUR ATTACK AND YOU TAKE THE DAMAGE EQUAL TO THE ATTACKING MONSTER'S ATK!" A giant explosion appeared. Drace was nowhere to be seen... Except for blaze falcon. Cedric disappeared, too- Drace had activated Chain Strike. since it had been activated as a chain 3, it inflicted 1200 damage.

Duel End! Cedric 0 LP Drace 0 LP

Sorry drace, this would have gotten boring fast if every time it was a good guy win.

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Duel Stories Empty Re: Duel Stories

Post by BOO Sun Oct 11, 2015 12:59 pm

Thumbs up not bad man

I like the duel descriptions, however I think there should be more story/plot involved as straight away we;re thrust into 3 duels with no idea why its happening, who these people are etc

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Duel Stories Empty Re: Duel Stories

Post by DownloadSomeRam Sun Oct 11, 2015 1:57 pm

BOO² wrote:Thumbs up not bad man

I like the duel descriptions, however I think there should be more story/plot involved as straight away we;re thrust into 3 duels with no idea why its happening, who these people are etc

Meh. I enjoy watching doctor who, and they're all about telling you about things after the fact. I'll explain later.

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Duel Stories Empty Re: Duel Stories

Post by Drace Sun Oct 11, 2015 8:21 pm

i honestly liked it its enough to make me actually work on the academy if i got active staff xD

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Duel Stories Empty Re: Duel Stories

Post by DownloadSomeRam Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:38 pm

Drace wrote:i honestly liked it its enough to make me actually work on the academy if i got active staff xD

I WAS kinda limited to the people who had been tested, and admins, moderators, ETC. i don't exactly know anything about the decks anyone else uses. But still, i only know about what decks you, jolty, altwing, me, mr. junk, and ukai. So, i will need knowledge of a few more to make a legitemate story arc.

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Duel Stories Empty Re: Duel Stories

Post by BOO Mon Oct 12, 2015 9:23 am

I think you can guess mine from my avatar. I have refound faith in those stuffed toys

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Duel Stories Empty Re: Duel Stories

Post by DownloadSomeRam Mon Oct 12, 2015 4:07 pm

BOO² wrote:I think you can guess mine from my avatar. I have refound faith in those stuffed toys

Yeah, even my shaddoll deck couldn't beat frightfur. And my shaddoll deck is STRONG.

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Duel Stories Empty Re: Duel Stories

Post by Shay Kurosaki Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:34 am

i dislike shaddoll and Frightfur deck because they are fusion deck
Shay Kurosaki
Shay Kurosaki

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Duel Stories Empty Re: Duel Stories

Post by BOO Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:10 am

After seeing the new RR support id have to say the same lol, holy... anyway uh from what i remember in the past...

Drace: RRs, BWs
BooBoo: RRs, Bujin, (I know i use a lot of decks so i just put Bujin since its my only IRL one)
Jolty: Hieratic, Heradics
DUsty: BWs, Synchrons, BA
Envoy: Yosenju, Baby Raccoons
Neon: Galaxy, Qli
Mason: Ritual Beast
Niquon: Gishki
Scyl: Gishki, Gimmick Puppet, Shaddoll


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Duel Stories Empty Re: Duel Stories

Post by DownloadSomeRam Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:59 pm

The next day, DownloadSomeRam and Altwing543 were going up to the school. There was something strange going on; They would usually see security guard Drace outside the building, sleeping. Everyone else didn't notice it, but he was gone! and there were two cards on the ground, skill drain and RR-Blaze Falcon. Drace wouldn't just drop his cards. A few hours later, in class, on the intercom, Principal Boo Boo said, "hello, can DownloadSomeRam, Altwing543, Dusty, Scyl, and Owl come up here? Thank you." Everyone in the classroom was laughing. had DownloadSomeRam gotten in trouble again? "HaHaHaHa, I wonder what the principal has in store for you, Dropout Boy!" said the teacher, Professor Owl. "Well, Professor, he called for you too, so maybe you're in trouble too!" Jolty was infuriated, but started going up to the Principal's office. "Can someone get my substitute out? Professor Delbaf! Come out here!" A short man came into the room, and proceeded to teach the students. MEANWHILE, UP IN THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE...

"What is the meaning of this, Principal Boo Boo? Why were we interrupted??" shouted Professor Owl. "I know I haven't seen Night Shift Security Guard Drace the whole day, but still! maybe he went back to his place to sleep. "Professor, you know full well I am in charge of your ability to be working here, so stop speaking out of turn. Now, you students, you are in grave danger. I saw the dark fog above the school, and the green dorm. I would assume you dueled a man, both of you?" he said, talking to DownloadSomeRam and Altwing543. "I would assume they were easy to beat, as well. I would also assume that they asked you for your souls?" DownloadSomeRam and Altwing543 nodded. "I see... Well, allow me to teach you about what they are after. A long time ago, there were these cards made. They were so powerful they could not be used with each other. Their power was so great, they were sought out by the Death Riders. Those duelists who dueled you two were just their peons. They are sealed deep within the mountain at this academy. They were sealed with 6 keys. I would assume the peons were checking to see if we had prepared. They asked you for a key, as well?" They both nodded. I will hold one of the keys, in case of an emergency. Each of you will hold another. I called you specifically up here because you 5 are the best duelists at this school. We must expect that these Death Riders will strike at anytime.

At that time, the bell rang. They all left the school. "Man, he's still cryptic as heck! He didn't tell us what to expect out of these Death Riders." DownloadSomeRam was angry. "I can't believe this..." Dusty was close behind. "*sigh*... you're still as hot headed as ever, DownloadSomeRam. we can't assume that they aren't behind us all the time." DownloadSomeRam Shivered. "Don't say that! now you've got me paranoid! Hey, theres the new kid, Simius! hey, there!" Simius is a shy person, and ran away the moment he heard DownloadSomeRam. "I knew I felt something fishy about him.. he's running towards Delbaf's!"
DownloadSomeRam, You're still jumping to conclusions. just because you feel sensations from duel spirits doesn't mean they're Death Riders. Maybe they have a spirit card, like you." DownloadSomeRam scoffed. "Nah, that's impossible. Right, Ryko?" To Dusty, it looked like he was talking to nothing, but he was talking to a little dog. BARK! BARK! "oh,  you think so? Yeah, maybe it is possible. Well, You go off to your dorm. Bye!" He ran towards the Red Dorm. Later, he told Mr. Junk about the situation. He was about to say something, when from outside, they heard a thundercrack! When they looked out the window, there were no clouds. just a bit of fog between Dusty and DownloadSomeRam's dorms. DownloadSomeRam just ran out the door, towards the fog.

"HAHAHA! The Plan is moving smoothly, Delbaf. We must continue to act like normal residents of the school. Our strategic position will have attracted the weakest two! We will take them down, then lead our way up!" At that moment, Dusty and DownloadSomeRam Ran into the clearing in the forest. "You guys! See? I knew it, Dusty!" DownloadSomeRam Yelled. Get your game on, Death Riders! Come on, Dusty, help me!"

Turn 1: Delbaf and Simius: 8000 LP, Dusty and DownloadSomeRam: 8000LP

"I'll start this out! I draw!" Yelled Delbaf. I activate the effect of a card in my hand! I discard 1 card, and special summon the fabled Nozoochee! With the effect of the discarded Cerburrel, I special summon it from the graveyard! Now I use the effect of Nozoochee to summon fabled Peggulsus and fabled Ganashia! I Tune Cerburrel to Ganashia! I synchro summon Fabled Ragin! Since I have 1 card in my hand, i can draw till i have 2! Then I set 1 card, and end my turn.

Turn 2: Delbaf and Simius: 8000 LP, Dusty and DownloadSomeRam: 8000 LP

"I draw! I activate Tuning! I add 1 "Synchron" monster from my deck to my hand, and send the top card of my deck to my graveyard." Said Dusty. "I discard 1 monster, and summon Quickdraw Synchron!" Delbaf was laughing. "Hahaha! I activate my trap card, Black horn of heaven! I negate your special summon!" Quickdraw synchron exploded into dust. "I set 2 cards facedown, and set 1 monster. I end my turn!"

Turn 3: Delbaf and Simius: 8000 LP, Dusty and DownloadSomeRam: 8000 LP

"heheheh... I draw! And I'll activate the spell card dark world dealings! We all draw 1 card, and Discard 1 card. I discarded my Dark World Tactician, Gren! His effect allows me to destroy 1 spell/trap card on the field. I destroy one of your facedowns!" Dusty's facedown, mirror force, was gone. "I activate the gates of dark world!" A dark portal, with a gate in front of it, appeared on the field. "I use its ability! By discarding 1 fiend and banishing 1 fiend, I can draw 1 card! I banish Gren, and Discard Broww. His effect allows me to draw another card! I activate dark world lightning! I destroy 1 set card, and discard 1 card. I destroy your facedown, and since I discarded Dark World Dragon Lord, Grapha, I destroy your facedown monster! Now, I summon Dark World Vanguard, Beigge! Now I return him to my hand, and summon Dark World Dragon Lord, Grapha, From my graveyard!!! DIE!" There were two overwhelmingly huge monsters on the field. I ATTACK DIRECTLY WITH GRAPHA AND RAGIN! I ALSO ATTACK WITH Nozoochee and Peggulsus! I end my turn."

Turn 4: Delbaf and Simian: 8000 LP, Dusty and DownloadSomeRam: 1100 LP

"My turn. You're a tough opponent, death riders, but I brought my A-Game to this duel. I summon Lumina, Lightsworn Sorcerer! With its effect, I discard 1 card, and summon Raiden from my graveyard! I tune Raiden to Lumina! I Summon Michael, The Arch-Lightsworn!" A massive white dragon and a swordsman came down from the heavens. "I pay 1000 LP... and banish your grapha. I now activate shaddoll fusion. I fuse my shaddoll beast and lightsworn felis, to summon Shaddoll Construct! With Beast's Effect, I draw a card. I activate solar recharge! I discard my lightsworn wulf to draw two cards and send from the top of my deck to the grave 2 cards. I Now activate the effect of a monster in my hand! Since I have Lightsworn Wulf, Lightsworn Raiden, Lightsworn Lumina, and Lightsworn felis in my graveyard, I can summon from my hand, Judgment Dragon!!!" Another humongous white dragon with red claws appeared. That's Not all! I equip The equip spell card, United we stand, to my Judgment Dragon!!! Since I have 3 monsters out on my field, its ATK rises to 5400!!! And, I'll activate Dian Keto the Cure Master! this gives us 1000 life points. I attack Fabled Peggulsus with Judgment Dragon!!!" The small creature was pulverized into dust. "Now I attack Nozoochee with michael!" The snake was blasted into a wall. "now, I'll attack ragin with Construct! When construct attacks a special summoned monster, it is immediately destroyed. I end my turn. and during the end phase, I send the top 7 cards of my deck to the grave, thanks to michael and JD.

Turn 5: Delbaf and Simian: 1300 LP, Dusty and DownloadSomeRam: 1100 LP

"I draw! You're Pitiful, DownloadSomeRam. You couldn't even beat us in one turn! I activate the card demonic blood pact! I summon 3 Fiend or Beast-type monsters from my graveyard, as long as I take damage equal to their levels times 100. I summon these three! Peggulsus, Nozoochee, and Ragin! so, I'll take 800 damage.Their ATK and DEF become 0, and their effects are negated, but this is all I need! I sacrifice two! as the other cannot survive without the other two, It is destroyed! I SUMMON THE ULTIMATE FIEND OF LIGHT, THE SUPREMACY SUN!!!" A dark orb appeared out of the ground, and arms and a head came out of it. I activate the ability of a card I discarded, Galaxy Cyclone! since It's In the Grave, I can banish it to destroy your united we stand! I attack your Judgment Dragon!" Both creatures were destroyed. "By paying half our LP, i can return him to my field! I attack michael! And then, I'll end my turn, enjoy your last turn, failure duelist."

Turn 6: Delbaf and Simian: 250 LP, Dusty and DownloadSomeRam: 700 LP

"I draw..." said dusty. "I special summon cyber dragon from my hand! I use the ability of my level eater in my graveyard to summon level eater, by reducing construct's level by 1. I summon my junk synchron! With its ability, I summon my Tuningware from my graveyard! since I summoned a monster from my graveyard, I summon my doppelwarrior! I use another Tuning! I add my Quickdraw Synchron, and send the top card of my deck to the graveyard. I Synchro summon using tuningware and junk synchron! I summon T.G. Hyper Librarian! Every time I summon a synchro monster, I draw one card. Now, I use the effect of a monster in my graveyard! I summon my glow up bulb by sending the top card of my deck to the grave, and tune it with my level eater to summon Formula Synchron! with its effect and Hyper Librarian's, I draw 2 cards! Now I use Double Summon! I special summon my level eater by lowering the level of my Cyber Dragon. I normal summon Unknown synchron, and summon ally of justice catastor by tuning my unknown synchron with my cyber dragon, now I SYNCHRO SUMMON MY SHOOTING QUASAR DRAGON! I ATTACK YOUR SUPREMACY SUN!!!" A single slash of its wings cut the sun into a million pieces. "No... No... Simian, you must flee! my soul has been absorbed, not yours!" Quasar was ready for another attack. "sorry, Simian. my shooting quasar dragon can attack twice per turn. direct attack." An explosion and a wingbeat later, both of them were gone. The supremacy sun and Grapha, Dragon lord of dark world were on the ground.

DUEL END Delbaf and Simian: 0 LP Dusty and DownloadSomeRam: 700 LP

"wow. nice job, Dusty. We should be getting back to our dorms now." They both walked back to their dorms and went to sleep. The next day, they told principal boo boo about the incident, and how they left a card each. "hrmm... good job. They have a team of 6, like us, I would assume. But they will not be afraid to recruit new Death Riders."


Proven fact: I can only write deep storyline while I'm on a sugar high.

Last edited by DownloadSomeRam on Fri Oct 23, 2015 4:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Duel Stories Empty Re: Duel Stories

Post by BOO Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:47 am

Much better Very Happy

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Duel Stories Empty Re: Duel Stories

Post by DownloadSomeRam Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:23 pm

BOO² wrote:Much better Very Happy

I ate literally 10 cookies, a bowl of m&ms, a bowl of jelly beans AND a pumpkin pie slice, I think that's why I did much better

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Duel Stories Empty Re: Duel Stories

Post by DownloadSomeRam Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:47 pm

Time to make a flashback episode. I went straight into the like 19th episode timeline-wise, so here you have it: episode -1!

One day, It was just a regular day. There were tweeting birds and little kids playing children's card games. But, besides the kids playing them, there was a giant tournament going on, to decide who of the ones with the most abysmal grades would graduate Dueling High School! There were 16 combatants, but one was running late. His name was DownloadSomeRam. He was fast asleep as of right now, 10:00 a.m. His alarm rang on his alarm clock, shaped like deskbot 001. He looked over, and gasped: HE WAS LATE! He got out of his bed, with sheets decorated with kuribohs and watapons, got dressed, and ran outside. "I can't believe I forgot!" he thought. "I gotta get there before they close it! They're going to close at 10:30!!" He kept running. He eventually got to the school grounds, and saw the duels being battled out. There were people playing with the top decks: Shaddoll, Qli, Gishki... He had no idea how these students had ever gotten low grades. Then he realized: They had all beaten the pro duelist, Jolty. He had retired, as he had a win/loss record a mokey mokey player could beat, but he still called himself a pro. Jolty would always tell the teachers that they lost against him, and the teachers, even though they had no business about their losses outside of school. DownloadSomeRam walked up to the teachers in charge of the duels. "Am I late?" he asked. The teachers looked at him in surprise. "No, we just started. We were waiting for you, so we postponed it. If you'll just go look at the brackets, your opponent is in the left field." DownloadSomeRam walked over towards his opponent. "Hey, there. Let's duel!" he exclaimed, dramatically. "What's your name?" His opponent was a short, scrawny boy. "M-My name is Bill, who are you?" DownloadSomeRam was sad he had gotten what looked like a weakling. "My name is DownloadSomeRam. "Let's Duel!!" they both yelled, drowned out by the other duels.

TURN 1: Bill: 4000 LP DownloadSomeRam: 4000 LP

"I-I'll go first!" said Bill. "I set one card face-down! and I'll activate ancient rules! I special summon from my hand 1 level 5 or higher Normal monster! I summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" The well-known ace of Seto Kaiba's deck Flew down from the heavens. "I summon Alexandrite Dragon as well. I banish it to summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon!" The ace of Joey Wheeler's deck came out from a crack in the ground. "I activate D.D.R. Different Dimension Reincarnation! I discard 1 card to summon a banished monster. I summon Alexandrite Dragon! And since I discarded Eclipse Wyvern, I banish 1 dragon from my deck! And I'll use the effect of a monster in my hand. I banish Eclipse Wyvern to summon Black Dragon Collapserpent! With the effect of my Eclipse Wyvern, I add my Red Eyes B. Dragon to my hand, and special summon it with my Darkness Metal Dragon's effect. I end my turn."

TURN 2: Bill: 4000 LP DownloadSomeRam: 4000 LP

"I draw! I activate the spell card, Burden of the mighty! All monsters my opponent controls lose 100 ATK for each level they have." Each of the massive dragons shrinked in size exponentially. "Alright, now, I activate the spell card Hammer Shot! I destroy the monster with the highest ATK on the field! I destroy Blue-Eyes! Now I activate mystical space typhoon. I destroy your face-down card!" Bill's face-down card, mirror force, was destroyed. I summon My Samurai Ben-Kei, And I'll Equip my two spell cards, both Axes Of Despair! This raises his ATK to 2500, and he can attack three times per turn! Attack Red-Eyes Darkness Metal, Red-Eyes, and Black Dragon Collapserpent!" Through 6 swings of his mighty axes, all three of the dragons were cut down. "Your move!"

Turn 3: Bill: 1600 LP DownloadSomeRam: 4000 LP

"Sob... Sob... Why can't I ever win? How can I ever have fun playing this game? HOW? I DRAW!!!" He had no cards in his hand, so it was up to his draw. "....OH. I activate Card of Sanctity. We both draw until we have 6 cards in our hands! I activate the spell card, Different Dimension Burial. I return to the grave Eclipse Wyvern and Alexandrite Dragon. Now, I'll Activate Dragon's Mirror! I banish 5 dragons from my graveyard to summon the strongest of dragons!" DownloadSomeRam was astonished. "Strongest dragon? Now this is more like it," He thought. "I summon Five-Headed Dragon!" An enourmous dragon appeared. "It cannot be destroyed in battle, except with a LIGHT monster! I attack Ben Kei! Quintuple Burst Stream!" Ben Kei Burned, Was blown away, Was blasted with darkness, Was Crushed under boulders, and Washed away. In the end, He was gone. "I end my turn."

Turn 4: Bill: 1600 LP DownloadSomeRam: 1500 LP

"Rrgh... I Draw!" DownloadSomeRam was unsure he could beat the giant beast. "I activate the spell card reinforcement of the army! I add a level 4 or lower Warrior-Type monster to my hand, And i add Daybreaker, and I summon him to the field!" The warrior was tiny in comparison to the five-headed dragon, but DownloadSomeRam was confident. "I attack the five-headed dragon!" The warrior hesitated for a moment, then attacked the dragon. "I activate the effect of Honest in my hand! since Daybreaker is a LIGHT monster, he gains Five-Headed Dragon's 5000 ATK! Destroy Him! Rising Sun Slash!!!" Each of the dragon's Heads was cut off, One by One. With each one, Bill Started Crying.

DUEL END. Bill: 0 LP DownloadSomeRam: 1500 LP

"I don't understand! Why do I never win, even when I'm in a situation where I'm bound to win? I will get back at you someday, DownloadSomeRam..." By the time he had said this, DownloadSomeRam had walked over to the brackets. He swept through 2 combatants, named Ivan and Cedric, and Finally Reached the final opponent. "Hey, there. I can't believe you won through those two. You were late, and I HATE late people. My name's Dave. I believe it's time to duel."

TURN 1: Dave: 4000 LP DownloadSomeRam: 4000 LP

"I'll go first, Green. I'll activate 1 meteor of destruction. I'll activate Ookazi. And I end my turn."

TURN 2: Dave: 4000 LP DownloadSomeRam: 2200 LP

"I draw! I summon Marauding Captain! With its effect, I summon my Daybreaker! I attack directly with both of them, And i'll set 2 cards. I end my turn.

TURN 3: Dave: 1100 LP DownloadSomeRam: 2200 LP

"I draw. I summon twin-headed behemoth, and activate my dark room of nightmare! Whenever You take damage from a card effect, you lose 300 more life points. I activate dragon's gunfire! I inflict 800 damage, and then 300 more from my dark room. I'll also activate burning lands. I attack marauding captain! I end my turn."

TURN 4: Dave: 1100 LP DownloadSomeRam: 900 LP

"I draw!" Exclaimed DownloadSomeRam. "I activate the effect of my Burning lands. I inflict 500 damage, then another 300 from my dark room. Enjoy your last 100 LP." DownloadSomeRam cringed. His hand had no monsters in it. He just had to hope that his opponent didn't have a card to block an attack, but then he remembered: He had face-downs. And one was Full Salvo, with 5 cards in his hand. "I attack with daybreaker!" The warrior easily cut down the behemoth, but its ability let it get back up to live again. "Sorry, Dave. I activate my trap! Full Salvo! I discard my hand, and inflict 200 damage for each."

DUEL END! Dave: 0 LP DownloadSomeRam: 100 LP

"Congratulations, DownloadSomeRam. Which academy will you be going to now? I will also be moving up, of course." DownloadSomeRam thought for a second. "hmm... I don't really know. I haven't thought about going to an academy. Well, I'll look into it. See ya!"

Anyone who read this, YES, Bill, Ivan, and Cedric from this episode are ALL the ones from the current Death Rider Timeline. Have fun waiting until my next.

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Age : 22
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Post by Drace Fri Oct 23, 2015 2:54 pm

so uh yea my first reaction to this president boo boo thing was along this lines of "WTF IS THIS BULLSHIT? D:<" but just want to let you know jolty is a girl and shed flip if u found out you were calling her a guy xD

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Post by DownloadSomeRam Fri Oct 23, 2015 4:16 pm

oh, ok, now edited. also, Principal*

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Post by DownloadSomeRam Thu Mar 24, 2016 5:14 pm

On the last day of his first year of RRA school, DownloadSomeRam created his best deck to use for his final test, against the best duelist at the school, Savage Cabbage. Savage Cabbage went first.

"I draw! I summon my protector with eyes of blue! With his effect, I special summon one level 1 tuner from my hand, and I summon maiden with eyes of blue! Now I use my protector's effect. It targets a monster I control, and special summons one blue-eyes monster from my hand. I special summon blue-eyes white dragon! Also, with my maiden's effect, I summon another blue-eyes from my deck." A second dragon appeared next to his first. "With this effect, my maiden is sent to the graveyard. Now, I'll use the effect of my sage with eyes of blue in my hand! By discarding it and tributing 1 of my level 1 monsters, I special summon another blue-eyes monster from my deck! I summon blue-eyes white dragon!! I play 1 card face-down, and end my turn."

TURN 2: BOTH LP 4000

"I draw!" DownloadSomeRam said. "I activate charge of the light brigade! By sending the top 3 cards from my deck to the graveyard, I add a lightsworn from my deck to my hand, and since I sent my minerva to the graveyard, I activate its effect! I send the top card of my deck to the graveyard. Now I'll activate Solar Recharge! I discard 1 lightsworn to draw 2 cards, then send 2 from the top of my deck to the graveyard. Also, since I discarded minerva with this effect, I send another card from my deck to the graveyard. Now... I special summon my Speedroid Terrortop from my hand!" The people in the crowd gasped. He's not playing pure Lightsworn? "It can be summoned from my hand when I have no monsters out. Now, with terrortop's effect, I add speedroid taketomborg from my deck to my hand. And now I'll summon it using its special effect! When I have a wind monster on my field, like my terrortop, I can summon it. Now I'll overlay these two monsters to summon Dante, Traveler Of The Burning Abyss! With his effect, I detach 1 overlay unit to send the top 3 cards from my deck to the graveyard. Since I sent my minerva to the graveyard, I send another to my graveyard. And Dante gains 500 ATK sent with his effect, so that means he has 2500 ATK!" The crowd roared. "I'm not done! I remove from play my Phantom-Wing from my graveyard to activate its effect! I summon my Phantom Knights Of Ragged Gloves from my graveyard!" The crowd gasped again. "I'll special summon my Phantom Knights Of Silent Boots from my hand, since I can summon it while I control a face-up Phantom Knight. Now I'll overlay these two to xyz summon my Phantom Knights Of Break Sword!" A horse galloped to the field, alongside dante. "Now I'll use his ability! By detaching 1 overlay unit, I destroy 1 card you control and 1 I control! So I'll destroy your face-down, and my own breaksword!" Savage Cabbage's Mirror Force and DownloadSomeRam's Break Sword exploded. "Now I'm going to use breaksword's other ability to summon my ragged gloves and silent boots all over again, and they gain 1 level each! And now I'll overlay these two to xyz summon my Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!" A massive dragon appeared alongside Dante. "Since it was xyz summoned with my ragged gloves, he gains 1000 ATK, for a total of 3500! Now, with his effect, I detach both overlay units to target one of your Blue Eyes, to halve their ATK and increase his ATK by that amount! So now his ATK is 5000 and your blue-eyes has an ATK of 1500. Now I'll Normal summon my lumina, lightsworn summoner! I'll discard one card to activate his ability; I special summon my lightsworn minerva from my graveyard! Now I'll synchro summon my Goyo Guardian!"

Field State: Cabbage: 3 Blue Eyes, 2 ATK 3000 and 1 ATK 1500
Field State: RAM: Dark Rebellion XYZ dragon, Dante, and Goyo, ATK 5000, 2500, and 2800.

"Now I'll attack your weakened blue-eyes with my goyo! Because of goyo's effect, I summon your monster in defense mode." Cabbage took 1300 Damage. "Now I'll attack one of your blue-eyes with Dark Rebellion! DESTROY HIM!" Cabbage took 2000 Damage. Now I'll attack your last monster with my Dante." Dante was destroyed and Ram took 500 damage. "I activate the effect of my peropero cerperus in my graveyard! When I take damage, I can remove it from play to destroy your monster! I end my turn."

Turn 3: Cabbage: LP 700 Ram LP 3500

"I draw... And I'll activate pot of greed, which makes me draw 2 cards. Now I'll activate one for one! I discard 1 monster and summon a level 1 monster from my deck, and I'll summon priestess with eyes of blue, and I'll normal summon my Priest with eyes of blue, which adds my sage with eyes of blue from my graveyard to my hand. Also, I'll activate pot of avarice, which shuffles 5 monsters from my graveyard into the deck, then I draw 2 cards. Now I'll use my sage's effect to target my priestess and send it to my graveyard to special summon a blue-eyes from my deck. Also, with my priestess' effect, I add 2 more blue-eyes monsters from my deck to my hand. Now I'll use the effect of my Blue-Eyes Alternative Dragon in my hand! I reveal a blue-eyes to special summon it, and I'll use its effect to destroy your Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon." Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon disappeared. "Now I'll synchro summon! I summon my Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon by using my alternative dragon and my priestess with eyes of blue. Now I'll tribute it to summon my Azure-Eyes Silver dragon! Also, I'll use my trade-in to discard a level 8 dragon and draw 2 cards. Now I'll activate Light Shrine! I send my White Ka Dragon from my deck to the graveyard to give my Silver Dragon 800 ATK."

Field State: Cabbage: Blue-eyes white dragon and Azure Eyes Silver dragon, ATK 3000 and 3300
Field State: RAM: Goyo Guardian and blue eyes white dragon (def) ATK 2800 and DEF 2500

"Now I'll attack goyo with Azure Eyes!" Goyo guardian was disintegrated, and RAM took 500 damage. "And I'll attack my dragon with my blue-eyes!" Blue eyes blew up. "I end my turn with 3 face-downs."

Turn 4: Cabbage: LP 700 RAM: LP 3000

"I draw! And I'll normal summon my lumina, lightsworn summoner! With this, I discard 1 card, and summon another lumina! With her effect, I discard another card and summon minerva. Now I'll Synchro Summon! I SUMMON... GIGANTICASTLE! While Giganticastle has an ATK of 2900, not enough to beat your blue-eyes, but I'll use its ability! Since I synchro summoned it with 2 non-tuner synchro materials, he gains 400 ATK! And I'll remove from play my Phantom Knights' sword and Phantom Knights' fog blade to summon my ancient cloak and break sword in attack position! With my Cloak's effect, I switch it to defense position to give my break sword 800 ATK! I enter my battle phase!"

Field State: Cabbage: Blue eyes and Azure eyes, ATK 3000 and 2500
Field State: RAM: Giganticastle and Break Sword, ATK 3300 and 2800

"I know I can beat you this turn, but I won't. I'll attack blue-eyes with my giganticastle!" A laser beam came out of giganticastle's chest and disintegrated it. Cabbage took 300 damage. "And I'll attack your azure-eyes with break sword!" Azure Eyes was slashed in two, and Cabbage took 300 damage. "I end my turn!"

Turn 5: Cabbage: LP 100 RAM: LP 3000

"You made a mistake. I draw, and I activate my soul release! With this, I remove from play my 3 blue-eyes from my graveyard. And I'll activate my face-down card! Return From The Different Dimension! I pay half my life points, Which is 50, and summon my 3 blue-eyes! Now I activate my face-down card; polymerization! I fuse all three of my blue-eyes white dragons to summon my Ultimate Blue-Eyes White Dragon! But that isn't it. I tribute my dragon to summon the most powerful dragon! BLUE EYES SHINING DRAGON! This card gains 300 atk for each dragon in my graveyard. Since I have azure, ultimate, 3 plain blue-eyes, alternative, and white ka, He gains 2100 ATK, for a total of 5100 ATK! And I'll activate my face-down card; one monster I control can attack twice!"

Field State: Cabbage: Blue Eyes Shining Dragon, ATK 5100, can attack twice
Field State: RAM: Giganticastle and Break Sword, ATK 3300 and 2000

"I ATTACK GIGANTICASTLE!" one shining laser shot from blue eyes shining dragon; Giganticastle disappeared, and RAM took 1800 damage. "Now, for the finisher; I ATTACK BREAK SWORD!" Another laser shot and destroyed Break Sword, and RAM took 3100 damage.

The announcer blinked. "AND ITS OVER! SAVAGE CABBAGE WINS!"

End Of Duel: Cabbage: LP 50, RAM: LP 0

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